企业简介亮风电器是一家集产品设计、模具制造、产品生产与销售于一体的现代化综合性企业;现有产品:立式插座,电源转换器(多功能插座),USB HUB插座,USB POWER插座,带电压表插座,带MP3音响型插座,带过载保护器插座,防雷防浪涌插座,遥控插座,以及承接外来产品的设计开发,产品快速成型,及模具制造,产品生产一条龙的服务。Liangfeng Electrics at China's "Mould town" - Huangyan, is a product design, mold manufacturing, production and sales in one of the modern comprehensive enterprise; Existing products: vertical socket, power converter (multi-function socket), USB HUB outlet, USB, POWER outlet with a voltage meter socket with MP3 audio socket with overload protection socket, lightning surge outlet, remote controlsocket,, as well as to undertake external product design and development, product rapid prototyping, and mold manufacturing, production of one-stop service. |